Thursday, March 10, 2011

Knock on wood....

Well for about the last three weeks its been...not fun at our house! My poor Nick got an ear infection, was teething, and got RSV all in one week. When he started to feel a little better it hit Charlie and me. I got a cold and Charlie brown got an ear infection. It had so much pressure it burst and stuff was oozing from him ear and he had a temp. of 103. When Charlie and I started to mend Jack got a cold and Nick got Bronchitis and another ear infection! Ahhhhhh! My dark circles under the eyes from 3 weeks of NO sleep are just starting to fade:) I hate when my babies are sick it is just so sad! However we are all healthy now...knock on wood...and hope we stay that way for a while!


Chelsey said...

So sad you guys were sooo sick! Glad your feeling better!!