Monday, September 14, 2009

Labor Day

For Labor Day weekend Jack and I stayed home Friday and Saturday and spent time as a family:) Saturday night we hung out with some friends and had pizza. After Church on Sunday we headed up the canyon to go meet my family for camping. We spent the night up Strawberry and it was so much fun. Charlie ate a lot of dirt and made a new friend. Our good friends have a little girl his age and for some reason Charlie loved to sit on her lap and the two fed each other dirt and sticks. It was so funny to watch them! Thanks for playing with us Hayleigh:)


stacibee said...

Oh my gosh, that last picture is DARLING! What a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny that he just sat in her lap and she let him! I love that last picture.

Kate! said...

how very romantic!

Nancy said...

His "dirty face" picture is a mirror image of your "corn on the cob" picture.


Christina said...

Hehe the little nugget is so ADORABLE! The close up of him (last picture) is just amazing, those big blue eyes...I cannot wait to meet him. :)